Instructions on how to update an outdated Project

When new versions of a template is released, projects based on earlier versions becomes marked with update available. You don’t have to do anything, but hopefully the updates have an improved value, with new questions or better guidance. In order to make the project up-to-date, you can use the Create Migration function.


First step

In the first dialogue window, select the highest version number as New Version, select the Question tags wanted (if any, compare to the Original question tags), and click on Create.

Note: The old, outdated version will remain unchanged until you specifically delete it, these steps will create an updated copy. If the outdated version has been shared with collaborators, we recommend that you remove the Share >> Public link, in order to prevent that a collaborator continues to work in the outdated version instead of in the new one.


Second step

A window with the differences between the versions appear. The left panel displays an overview with the type of difference for each question, whether it is a new or a changed one.

In the right panel the detailed difference is displayed. Highlighted in yellow is the current change you need to approve of by clicking on Resolve (or Resolve all in order to resolve every change in one go) in the top right corner.


Third step

When all changes has been resolved, an option to Finalize will become visible in the top right corner, click on it to finish the update. This will open the updated project.
